This report covers subjects such as maintaining schools and other learning facilities, preventing the spread of aquatic invasive species in Saskatchewan, leading the Building Partnerships to Reduce Crime initiative, delivering the Breast Cancer Screening Program, confirming only qualified drivers remain licensed, protecting children in care, increasing the percentage of Grade 3 students reading at grade level, keeping government IT systems and data secure, and monitoring the Fuel Tax Exemption Program.
4 Summary of Implemented Recommendation
5 Central Services—Data Centre Security
6 Central Services—Web Application Security Requirements
7 Environment—Preventing Aquatic Invasive Species in Saskatchewan
8 Finance—Monitoring the Fuel Tax Exemption Program
9 Gradworks Inc.—Achieving Intern Development Program Goals
10 Justice—Leading the Building Partnerships to Reduce Crime Initiative
11 North East School Division No. 200—Increasing Grade 3 Students Reading at Grade Level
12 Prairie Spirit School Division No. 206—Maintaining Facilities
13 Regina School Division No.4—Promoting Positive Student Behavior
14 Saskatchewan Cancer Agency—Delivering the Screening Program for Breast Cancer
15 Saskatchewan Government Insurance—Only Qualified Drivers Remain Licensed
16 Saskatchewan Legal Aid Commission—Providing Legal Aid Services
17 Social Services—Protecting Children-in-Care Information in the Linkin System
18 Modernizing Government Budgeting and Financial Reporting
19 Economy—Nominating Qualified Immigration Applicants
20 Education—School Instruction Time for Students
21 eHealth Saskatchewan—Buying IT Services
22 eHealth Saskatchewan—Implementing Electronic Health Records
23 Environment—Regulating Air Emissions
24 Government Relations—Safe Drinking Water in Northern Settlements
25 Highways and Infrastructure—Maintaining Bridges
26 Highways and Infrastructure—Maintaining Highways
27 Justice—Monitoring Municipal Policing
28 Prairie North Regional Health Authority—Granting Physician Privileges
29 Public Employees Benefits Agency—Securing Information Systems and Data
31 Saskatchewan Immigrant Investor Fund Inc.—Operating Headstart on a Home Program
32 Saskatoon Regional Health Authority—Triaging Emergency Department Patients
33 Social Services—Protection of Children in Care
34 Sunrise Regional Health Authority—Infection Prevention and Control
35 Technical Safety Authority of Saskatchewan—Inspecting Boilers and Pressure Vessels
36 University of Regina—Procurement of Goods and Services and Disposal of Surplus Assets
37 Water Security Agency—Regulating Public Wastewater Systems
38 Standing Committee on Crown and Central Agencies
39 Standing Committee on Public Accounts
1–Agencies Subject to Examination Under The Provincial Auditor Act and Status of Audits
2–Samples of Opinions We Form on Ministries, Crown Agencies, and Crown-Controlled Corporations