This report covers subjects such as detecting inappropriate physician payments, regulating oil and gas pipelines, enforcing vehicle weight and dimension requirements, regulating commercial permittees’ on-table sale of liquor, using MRI efficiently, delivering childhood immunizations, overseeing contracted special-care homes, engaging Grades 7 to 12 students, and mitigating the effects of climate change.
1 Public Service Commission—Administering the Government’s Key Human Resources/Payroll IT System
3 Economy—Working Towards Establishing Outcomes-Based Contracts
5 Finance—Implementing the Revenue Administration Modernization Project
6 Health—Detecting Inappropriate Physician Payments
7 Highways and Infrastructure—Enforcing Vehicle Weight and Dimension Requirements
8 Living Sky School Division No. 202—Engaging Grades 7 to 12 Students
10 Regina Qu’Appelle Regional Health Authority—Efficient Use of MRI
12 Saskatoon Regional Health Authority—Overseeing Contracted Special-Care Homes
13 SaskTel—Purchasing Fibre Optic Network Upgrade and Other Network Hardware
14 Technical Safety Authority of Saskatchewan—Inspecting Elevating Devices
15 Central Services—Planning Accommodations
16 Economy—Co-ordinating English-Language Programs
17 Economy—Monitoring IT Service Providers
18 Economy—Regulating Pipelines
19 Education—Capital Asset Planning for Schools
20 Education—Increasing Grade 12 Graduation Rates
21 Education—Putting into Operation the Education Sector-Wide Strategic Plan
22 Environment—Regulating Reforestation
23 Environment and Finance—Regulating Contaminated Sites
24 Regina Qu’Appelle Regional Health Authority—Safe and Timely Discharge of Hospital Patients
25 Regina Qu’Appelle Regional Health Authority—Use of Surgical Facilities
26 Saskatchewan Government Insurance—Monitoring Certified Vehicle Inspection Stations
27 Saskatchewan Opportunities Corporation—Maintaining Facilities
28 Saskatchewan Water Corporation—Maintaining Infrastructure
29 Saskatoon Regional Health Authority—Protecting IT Infrastructure
30 SaskPower—Buying Goods and Services Valued Under $100,000
31 SaskPower—Gas and Electrical Installation Inspections
32 Social Services—Placing Minister’s Wards in Permanent Homes
33 Social Services—Supervision of Community-Based Organization
34 University of Regina—Protecting Interests in Research
1–Agencies Subject to Examination Under The Provincial Auditor Act and Status of Audits
2–Report on the Financial Statements of Agencies Audited by Appointed Auditors
3–Samples of Opinions We Form on Ministries, Crown Agencies, and Crown-Controlled Corporations